*Free tracked UK shipping for orders over £50!
Your order will typically ship within 0 - 2 business days, excluding weekends or UK public holidays. During peak periods, there may be slight delays.
Orders are processed during Monday - Friday (Excluding Public Holiday).
Orders cut-off hour is 10:00am each day.
*Standard orders only. (Exclude special, high-value & oversized items)
Royal Mail Tracked 48 ™ | |
Order Amount | Shipping Cost |
£50.00 and up | Free |
£0.00–£29.99 | £3.99 GBP |
£30.00–£39.99 | £2.99 GBP |
£40.00–£49.99 | £1.99 GBP |
Royal Mail Tracked 24 ™ | |
Order Amount | Shipping Cost |
£0.00–£49.99 | £4.99 GBP |
£50.00–£99.99 | £3.99 GBP |
£100.00–£149.99 | £2.99 GBP |
£150.00 and up | £1.99 GBP |
High-Value / Oversized / Heavy Items | |
Order Amount | Shipping Cost |
£0.00–£49.99 | £5.80 |
£50.00 and up | £3.80 |
These items will be shipped via DHL to ensure highest level of courier service is provided. This helps minimising the chances of mishandling & accident during transit.